Welcome to our
Brain Science for Business Lab

About our research
We are a team of researchers at the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. The Principle Investigator, Dr. Rongjun Yu and his collaborators are interested in understanding the psychology and brain science of organizational behaviors. We study what motivates individuals to start their own business and how do they identify business opportunities (Neuroentrepreneurship), how leaders lead (NeuroLeadership), and other organizational neuroscience topics.
1 How employees work together to generate ideas?
2 How do investors choose start-ups to fund? How do investors process entrepreneurs' pitches in their brains?
2 How do funders and managers make decisions on a daily basis? What is the neural basis of leadership?
What is MRI:
MRI is a safe and non-invasive method that uses a magnetic field to image structures and blood flow (functional MRI) in your body. This method allows scientists to image, e.g., brain structure, and changes in brain activity while you are performing various tasks.
MRI 是一種安全的非侵入性方法,利用磁場對體內的結構和血流進行成像(功能性 MRI)。這種方法允許科學家在執行各種任務時對大腦結構和大腦活動的變化進行成像。
Is MRI safe for humans?
To date, over 150 million patients have had MRI examinations. Every year, approximately 10 million patients undergo MRI procedures. MRI has been shown to be extremely safe as long as proper safety precautions are taken. In general, the MRI procedure produces no pain and causes no known short-term or long-term tissue damage of any kind.
迄今為止,已有超過1.5億患者接受了MRI檢查。每年,大約有 1000 萬患者接受 MRI 掃描。只要採取適當的安全預防措施,MRI 已被證明是極其安全的。一般來說,MRI 過程不會產生疼痛,也不會造成任何已知的短期或長期組織損傷。
Who can sign up? 誰能報名
Any working adults aged over 18 years old.
任何年滿 18 歲的在職成年人.
What is the procedure? 流程是什麼
Researchers and radiographers will check with you to confirm whether you are suitable for participating in MRI research;
Then, in the study, you will lie down inside the MRI scanner, see study materials presented to you via a screen, make choices by pressing buttons, while your brain is being scanned; The whole scan may take 30 to 50 minutes.
After the scan, you will be paid and we are happy to answer any questions you may have about our research.
研究人員和放射技師將與您核實,以確認您是否適合參加 MRI 研究。
然後在研究中,您將躺在 MRI 掃描儀內,查看通過屏幕呈現給您的研究材料,通過按下按鈕做出選擇,同時掃描您的大腦。整個掃描可能需要 30 到 50 分鐘。
Benefits of participating in MRI research 報酬
Cash reward at a rate of $250 or higher;
A photo of your brain from the MRI scan;
Research feedback;
現金獎勵為 250 HKD或更高;你大腦的照片;研究反饋;
All data will be de-identified and only aggregated data will be reported in scientific journals.
How to participate?
Sign up below and we will reach out to you with more information.
在下面註冊, 我們將與您聯繫並提供更多信息
Sign up for our participant pool and we will contact you
Life Science Imaging Centre,
Room G03A, G/F.,
Jockey Club Academic Community Centre,
the School of Continuing Education (SCE) Tower,
9 Baptist University Road,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
賽馬會師生活動中心地下 G03A 室
浸會大學道9號 香港浸會大學